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The OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) vulnerability scan is a powerful tool designed to identify and analyze potential security weaknesses in your web applications. With the rise of cyberattacks and the increasing importance of protecting sensitive data, it has become essential for businesses to ensure that their web applications are secure.


This comprehensive vulnerability scan uses the latest techniques and methodologies to identify potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. The scan covers a range of areas, including authentication, authorization, data validation, session management, and input/output handling.

By using the OWASP vulnerability scan, you can proactively identify security weaknesses in your web applications and take steps to remediate them before they can be exploited. This can help protect your business and its valuable data, as well as provide reassurance to your customers and stakeholders that their information is secure.


The scan generates a detailed report that highlights any vulnerabilities found, along with suggested remediation steps. This report can be used to prioritize and address the most critical vulnerabilities first, ensuring that you are making the most effective use of your resources.


Overall, the OWASP vulnerability scan is an essential tool for any business that wants to take a proactive approach to web application security. It provides valuable insights into potential vulnerabilities and helps to ensure that your web applications are secure and protected from cyber threats.


What does it include?

  • Daily Scans and Reports
  • Powered by AI architecture
  • Covers OWASP and SANS
  • Helps comply to cybersecurity rules


What is it?


  • Comprehensive scanning of web applications to identify potential vulnerabilities
  • Uses the latest techniques and methodologies to identify vulnerabilities
  • Covers a range of areas including authentication, authorization, data validation, session management, and input/output handling
  • Generates a detailed report highlighting vulnerabilities found and suggested remediation steps
  • Helps prioritize and address the most critical vulnerabilities first
  • Provides reassurance to customers and stakeholders that their information is secure
  • Helps businesses take a proactive approach to web application security
  • Can be used on a regular basis to ensure ongoing security of web applications
  • Designed and maintained by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), a trusted authority in web application security.

Trial Website Vulnerability Scan

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